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“I wish that the new generations continue to maintain our legacy. That they elaborate our cookies, with the same affection with which we have always made them, so that the cookies from La Trigueña continue to be the favorite of all the Uruguayan people”


  • 1965 - The beginning

    Aged 14, young Anselmo left for Uruguay in search of a better life with his father and brother, escaping from the crisis that had caused the civil war in his native country, Spain.

    After several years working in Uruguayan bakeries, Anselmo travels back to his country. There he meets a woman with whom he would finally form his life and together they decide to return to Uruguay to settle permanently.

    h 1965 c
  • 1978 - Where the idea arises

    Once in Uruguay they decide to bet on the business, whose trade they had acquired during years of work, establishing the Costa Dorada bakery located in Lagomar, Canelones. Thanks to the quality and delicious taste of its products, the trade gained prestige in that beachfront town. So much was the success that its line of handmade cookies began to be distributed in shops in the area, generating a growing demand.

    h 1978 c
  • 1987 - The beginning of the story

    On May 23, due to the success of their cookies, Anselmo and Dolores decided to create the cookie factory "La Trigueña". With an invaluable human group we started our activities in a small plant with limited capacity. Our goal was to offer the market a natural and tasty product with its own characteristics.

    In a short time, thanks to the dedication and commitment to our consumers, La Trigueña received market approval, beginning a period of significant expansion driven by its flagship products, "Gramada", "Sin Sal", "Marinera" and "Integral" cookies.

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  • 1990 - A turning point

    In the 90s, the idea of an innovative product, “Delicia Magra” arises, and it revolutionized the store shelves for its originality; It was the first “puffed up” cookie.

    The consumer successfully received this revolutionary cookie, triggering the demand, which marked a milestone in the history of the company.

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  • 1995 - The big bet

    Driven by the consumers support, the bet was raised and that is how we decided to expand our industrial plant incorporating state-of-the-art technology throughout the manufacturing process, modernizing the distribution chain and maintaining optimal attention to the growing market demand without altering the characteristic craftsmanship and quality of the product.

    We also renew our packaging prioritizing the useful life of the product and its highlight with original, modern and eye-catching designs.

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  • 1998 - Family Size Line

    1998, another important year in the history of the company because it is decided to launch the Family size product line with half kilo packages in its three varieties: “Malteada”, “Al Agua” and “Marina”.

    This line of products was quickly accepted as the cookies combined quality and taste with an ideal presentation to share with the family, reaching the consumer with a very good price - quantity ratio.

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  • 2007 - Renovation

    The second generation of the family joins the company, generating a process of professionalization of all its areas and commercial expansion that has been reflected in the significant increase in market share, increase in distribution coverage and the incursion into new international markets, among others.

    In addition, an optimization was generated in the efficiency of the productive and administrative processes, improving the quality standards without altering the traditional characteristics of the product.

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  • 2011 - Quality certification

    Thanks to the professionalization process in all areas in 2011, we were able to obtain the international certificate in quality management ISO: 9001. This standard provides a management base through the establishment of objectives, processes, records and compliance controls in the form of continuous improvement, which allows greater efficiency and quality in its execution.

    The ISO 9001 standard reinforces the focus on our main objective: to provide nutritious, tasty and top quality products.

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  • 2021 – Inauguration of the new production plant

    In November 2021 we inaugurated the new production plant which can be considered as a model in the country, both for its design and for the technology it incorporates. This plant of 5000m2 was designed, focused in complying with various regulation and standards applicable to food plants that preserve the safety of the product, optimize workflows and the use of resources.

    IMG 2021
  • Present days

    The products of La Trigueña are present in all shops, from the smallest stores to the most important supermarket chains, leading the segment of crackers, developing in the sweet cookies segment and quickly expanding.

    We continue to diversify our product lines in order to offer variety and innovation to consumers by remaining true to our principles of quality and taste.

    Today we can proudly say that all these years of work, effort and commitment have led us to be the leaders of the salted cookie market, keeping faithful to our principles of quality and flavor.

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